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rg:2012-12-03 12:17 Դ:z236.cn :݋ c:

ˑ(zhn)ʿ2012-12-02 11:04
» һַ@ҪԼ÷vW(wng)(qun) f{ɫ̖ԭĵtɫĄtҵf²vW(wng)(qun) f˸ϝhZZУgĵDz~þMЩ{(dio)MNԭvW(wng)(qun) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ž~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24,000 'died because of cold homes' last winter: Fears grow that figure could be higher this year because of spiralling billsȥ궬24000 ڱļҡ~˔(sh)ֿߵđnLBy Sean PoulterSean PoulterSpiralling energy bills contributed to 24,000 deaths last winter, as many elderly people cut back on their heating.ȥ궬Դ~Ό(do)24000SLߜpȡůThe shocking toll will increase fears that the number will be even higher this year because of further increases in energy bills and warnings of a particularly cold winter.@@˔(sh)˂IJSMһLȡůMԼuľ@һ(sh)ڽ?x)The figures for excess winter deaths, published yesterday by the Office for National Statistics, reveal the majority of victims were over 75.ҽy(tng)Ӌ칫ġ^(sh)¶ҪܺЩ^75qCold homes, caused by factors including high energy costs and poor insulation, are known to exacerbate a number of underlying medical conditions in the elderly, leading to more deaths during the winter.߰ȡů֧Ϳɑzıůڃ(ni)ĶNɵġļҡѱJ鐺S˻t(y)l(do)¸ڶA recent report by Age UK estimated that cold homes are costing the NHS in England £1.36billion a year in treatments, mostly for cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks.һAge UKµĈӋļҡѽ(jng)ʹӢt(y)(w)wϵӢһ껨M13.6|Ӣ^ίM󲿷ίL(fng)KѪܼThe 24,000 figure relates to the period from December to the end of March which was a relatively mild winter.24000(sh)漰g12µ3µ@һغ͵Ķ(ni)Britain experiences much higher death rates than countries in Scandinavia which have much colder winters but where there has been huge investment in insulating homes.Ӣ˹ļ{SҸߵć҄tӺĶ죬Լ޴ķݱůͶYMaria Wardrobe, of fuel poverty charity National Energy Action, said: The figures demonstrate that if you are a vulnerable person living in England or Wales then even a comparatively mild winter can still be deadly.ԴЄӡȼؚP(gun)۽MMaria Wardrobef@(sh)@ʾһӢmʿ׻һغ͵Ķ쌦ԶThe fact that our Scandinavian neighbours experience much harsher winters and have nowhere near the same level of winter deaths means that we should not accept this as inevitable.Œ҂˹ļ{SĶwc@ˮƽsh@ζ҂ܽ@DzɱExcess deaths for winter 2011/12 were down by 8 per cent compared with the previous year but Michelle Mitchell, charity director general of Age UK, said the numbers were still unacceptably high.She said: Every single excess winter death is preventable.2011-2012ȵ^(sh)c½8ٷc^Age UKĴȐۿMichelle Mitchellf@(sh)ȻǸߵoThose living in the coldest homes are three times more likely to die a preventable death than those living in warmer ones.ڿA(y)УЩе˂ڜůеˡThe only way to make a sustained and long-term impact on excess winter deaths is by investing in making Britains homes more energy-efficient^a(chn)m(x)һ؞Ӱ푵ΨһͶYӢķӣʹӵĸЧThe Government must also invest in a major energy-efficiency programme to help insulate older people against the cold weather and the high cost of energy.Ҳ(yng)ԓҪĸЧĿͶYԎ˱ů푪(yng)ĶԼ~ȡůMDave Timms, of Friends of the Earths Warm Homes campaign, also called for government action, saying: The Government must take action to tackle this homemade humanitarian disaster by ensuring we all have warm and energy-efficient homes.֮ќů֮\ӵDave TimmsҲЄfЄԴ_҂ÿ˶МůЧܵķ@ЩԼͥ˵x(zi)ySagas director general, Dr Ros Altmann, described the figure as shocking and called for action on prohibitively expensive energy bills.SagaľLRos Altmannʿ@Щ(sh)֕r|Ŀ@һ~ҺһֹFԴ~εЄShe said: Much more needs to be done. In a survey of 8,500 over-50s, 58 per cent were already worrying about the costs of heating their homes this winter and more than a third were already struggling with heating bills.fиĹҪД(sh)(j)y(tng)Ӌ850050qϵˮ(dng)58%ѽ(jng)_ʼ(dn)@ȡůҪM^֮һѽ(jng)ȡů~Energy prices are already much higher than last winter and they are predicted to rise further which could leave many more older people at risk.Դărѽ(jng)ȥF˺ܶ߀пMһL@ʹ̎U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ԭ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uՓܚgӭuՓ1.- David, Poole, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012But don't worry folks, as I'm sure you'll all be warmed by the knowledge that our Government is giving £9 billion of our hard-earned money to those in need around the world,^e(dn)(dng)ゃ֪Ҫ90|֮׵Ӣ^oȫҪ˂rҸұC(dng)ゃ?ni)ůģincluding dictators, terrorists, those who hate the West, and countries now far wealthier than our own.@ЩԮֲ߰ЩʹˣԼЩF(xin)ڱ҂߀еćResponsibility for the deaths of our senior citizens through hypothermia lies squarely at Westminster's door.ʹ҂Lߵ͜ض؟(z)ξhĴTǃ2.- K. Martin, Bristol, France, 30/11/2012 14:02The government are more interested in saving 300 lives by increasing the price of alcohol..What a country!߾ƃrĶ300ldȤ@ô3.- BagLady, Sihanoukville, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012 11:27What an horrible way to die. Freezing to death in your own home.ôµԼļˡNothing will be done,of course.(dng)ȻʲôˡA few hundred thousand dead old people will free up hospital beds, save on pensions and make room for the +180,000 immigrants arriving each year.ǧfȥܽot(y)ԺvcλʡcݽԼoÿӿM18f׌ط4.- Paul, London, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012Of course more will die and these rich politicians couldn't care less!(dng)ȻˌȥЩеμ҄tһcںThey far prefer taxing us to death and posing in front of international TV cameras throwing money around abroad,ϲgnn҂ȻڇHҕ_ǰѴPyӞmakes a much better record of their time in power,ʹڮ(dng)(qun)rӛ䛸ÿcwho wants pictures of content OAP's to be the highlight of a career in "public service."lϣB(yng)Ͻă(ni)ݳɞšI(y)(w)һ헵cId love to see them experience some real everyday hardships.ϣw򞵽cǵÿ춼ڰl(f)DyࡣVote UKIP!ͶӢhһƱ5.- stevevf, barcelona, 30/11/2012 14:01I cannot believe that people die in their homes due to cold, 30 yrs ago 90% of people had no central heating,ҟo˂麮Լļȥ30ǰ90%˂]мйI remember waking up with frost patterns on the inside of the windows. But, fuel prices cannot keep going up as they do to please shareholders.ӛсrڴ(ni)ӽY(ji)˪ȼσr񲻿F(xin)@ӑùɖ|m(x)߸We also need real inflation numbers : Energy, food, clothes, and travel, that is were nearly everybodies wages go.҂߀Ҫͨ؛Û(sh):Դʳ·߀нͨ@ÿ˵ĹYI believe real inflation is over 10%挍ͨÛѽ(jng)^10%ˡ6.- lightfoot, london, 30/11/2012 12:10why bother printing this article dm?ڟ㌑@ƪno one does,did or will care about the people in this country.]P(gun)(jng)P(gun)ĻnjҪP(gun)@we starve,freeze and governments and energy companies and the rich crack open the champagne with a smile.҂Դ˾߀Щ˂΢Ц_㙉i used to be so mad about how poor, normal people have become,now i have given up.ǰͨ˞ؚFеdzđŭF(xin)ѽ(jng)ŗwhat a lovely country we live in҂һôɐ۵ć7.- Julia, Herts UK, 30/11/2012 13:27What is the point of reporting this fact unless we can do anything about it.ʲôҲŪ@ôһ(do)ʲôxThe power companies are making a fortune and using green lies to justify it.ЩĹ˾ڰl(f)ؔȻӲɁqoThe papers and tv have villified the elderly for living too long and giving the immpression that they are non tax payers that are a drain on the NHS and caring costs of decent tax payers.ҕһֱЂ߂ĕrg̫LһNļLʹӢt(y)(w)wϵʧYķǼ{P(gun)(jng){˵There are too many of them due to the post war baby boom and even have their own pathway to death if they are sick or brave enough to go into hospital.@Щڑ(zhn)ċ냺^˲¸ȥt(y)ԺǾ͵I wonder if this heat or eat policy is a well thought out plan by grey suits, rather than a circumstance that no one saw coming.֪@ЩůǷcfЩb˼]ӋfǛ]A(y)ϵĬF(xin)I think it is about time we had some thought for the people who grew up with ration books,smog open fires playing on bomb sights , and went to work at the age of 15 and continued to 65.F(xin)ǕrP(gun)ЩSoƱCڟͶ(@Բʲô˼)15q_ʼɻֱ65q˂Giving the next generation a good life and example. More respect and thought in reporting may help young folk to fight our corner instead of seeing us as a burdon.҂oһԺõͺõİӡڈжc𾴺P(gun)ҲS܎p˂ȡ҂׌X҂ؓ(dn)WE pay tax the same as them҂һҪ8.- JWLS, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012 11:41Many more will die to slate the greed of the BIG 6 energy companies and a government who DOES NOTHING to stem the extortionate price rises.ԽԽˌȥԴ˾؝sֹ䏈ĝqro顣The energy companies like the government do not give a damn about the consumer and how many die.ЩԴ˾ϣĺP(gun)MԼжȥThe government madcap latest green energy scheme will only put people under more financial hardship !!pʶtľGɫԴӋڸӇĽУ9.- Dutchy, Windy city, 30/11/2012 13:05That is so sad ! Can we not provide elderly with a winter package ?@DZ҂ܞ˂ṩһӋôHot water bottles, hand Warmers, hot cherry pit socks, electric blankets etc.ůˮƿůִm늟̺֮some have survived serious health issues. They need the extra warmth to get through the winter healthy !Щͦ^ˇصĽ}Ҫůذ^In America we have extra heated areas available in the winter for those who can not afford it at home.҂ڶRrṩoЩڼҹFor example, Our local theater provides free movies in December for families so that they can warm up during the cold winter days.f҂(dng)?sh)صĄԺ?2·ṩMӰʹЩļͥںůThe only advantage about this world wide recession is that people become resourceful again.@(jng)˥Ψһĺ̎Ҷ׃øSC(yng)׃ˡ10- Paula, Nottingham, 30/11/2012 16:21It's not only the elderly who are suffering.ֻܴĥMy partners lost his job and we can't afford to heat our small house.ҵĐˁG˹҂֧o҂СӹMáFuel poverty is not just restricted to the elderly. It's more commonplace than people think.ȼϲ㲻H@˂߀Ҫ˾ҊT11.- DA, Earth, 30/11/2012 17:24I am seriously worried about paying my energy bills this winter since the most recent price rises and no doubt there will be more to come!ҌҾͿ츶궬ԽԽFȡůMеؓ(dn)noɆ@M߀ԽԽFI am disabled and live with my disabled elderly parents. We have no choice but to spend most of our time at home as getting out and about is not easy,cͬӚĸĸͬס҂]ЄexֻܻMĕrgڼdzȥ̎ߣ̫which means we have to try and keep the house a little bit warm. We have blankets, extra clothes and hot water bottles but at some points you have to put the heating on.Ҳf҂ÇLԇʹӶůһc҂S̺~·ůˮƿ^Щr߀ǵô_ůWe live on less than £10k for all 3 of us per year. Now they are predicting a very cold winter and it really worries me. What do they think people are supposed to do?҂?ni)˿ÿ겻?f^ĻN^F(xin)fг@ڵ׌ғ(dn)nJ˂(yng)ԓôOh and in answer to the stupid person who said do these people not have families to help out - No, we are all we have for each other!ޣ@nj޴}˵Ļش҂]ЄeļͥɆT܁҂҂ֻ҂ԼThere will be many more deaths this winter because of these extortionate prices and food prices rising too.궬쌢и^ߵărԼʳƷqrȥThe gov needs to step in and do something before lives are needlessly wasted by these energy companies seeking more profits(yng)ԓcʲôԷֹԴ˾rҪرM12.- Trevor, Ammanford, United KingdomThe government will do nothing about this.˺oThey look at it as 24,000 pensions they don't have to pay out.IJ24000ĥ24000ݲ֧B(yng)Ͻ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ܚgӭuՓ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ӑuՓ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13.- Donna Tell Me, Circle Line, United Kingdom,Oh please! old people are so mean with money. It's not that expensive. Crank it up DorisŶゃ˂X̫߆֛]F仨ů{(dio)c14.- kentishlassDID THESE 25,000 HAVE NO FAMILYS TO HELP OUT.@25000(@λR(sh))͛]Hю͎æô15.- Shaun_weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom,Why are they not using the winter fuel allowance for their heatingʲôöȼaȡů16.- sam, kettering,If you are dying from cold there is something you are not telling us.܃϶Щ›]V҂My parents live on the basic state pension and the heating is always on but they do not keep and feed animals, drink , smoke, gamble and are debt free.ҵĸĸćݽ^ůһֱ_^]ιB(yng)Ⱦ韟ـҲ]Ƿ~17.- RJimmer, Dorchester, United Kingdom,30/11/2012 20:15Why are they not using the winter fuel allowance for their heating - Shaun_weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012 11:10 @@@@@ʲôöȼaȡůأ - Shaun_weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom, 30/11/2012 11:10 @@@@@Couldn't agree more! If the WFA was paid at the end of February, things might be different.̫ͬ^cȼaڶµ֧ͿܕһI got notice that my WFA will be paid in the next 3 weeks. OK if folk have to buy coal for the Winter, but most of them don't any more.ע⵽ҵĶȼaԺ֧(ҲʥQ(ji)ǰ)okӋ@PXڶIú󲿷˲@ôPay WFA before Xmas and we all know what most people will spend it on!҂֪ȼaʥQ(ji)ǰ֧˂ȥIʲô18.- Brit abroad, Florida, 30/11/2012 21:17(ڴ˵b13ȥ)I suppose older folks are at more of a risk with extreme cold but I grew up in a flat with NO heating and No running hot water.ҲϼһژO˺ĕrͦΣUģ^һӛ]ȡů]Пˮ(yng)ĹԢLI remember how ice would form on the inside of the windows but we coped with extra blankets and sweaters.ӛñڴ(ni)γɵģ^҂؄e̺Ӻë‘(yng)^ȥ(ģ11λ˵Ԓ)Do the older folk not dress for the weather?ϼһ@ﲻ·blame my ignorance on my long residence in Florida where cold means 50 degrees.Rҟo֪Lھסڷ__ﺮζA50(z10䂀ë)19.- Observer, Euro Land, Portugal, 30/11/2012Rubbish!if they are genuinely poor the state will help.Ҫ@ôFLJҿ϶If they are sitting on a house worth a fortune to leave to their greedy family,sell it and get a little pad that is cheap to heatҪԼֵXķ䵽؝ļǾu҂СԢǃȡů϶20.- Malachy, Belfast, 30/11/2012 20:15(Xăа)Many die because they are too miserable to spend money on heating .̫ܶv˲뻨X_ȡů
ߣLunaR2012-12-02 11:07
ߣ{2012-12-02 11:08
ߣ_2012-12-02 11:08
ߣϵС؈2012-12-02 11:10
ߣfrHumphrey2012-12-02 11:11
ߣL(fng)˪2012-12-02 11:12
ߣBLUSS2012-12-02 11:13
Post by ϵС؈ (2012-12-02 11:10)
ߣkingdogs2012-12-02 11:15
ߣi_ven_chen2012-12-02 11:15
including dictators, terrorists, those who hate the West, and countries now far wealthier than our own.@ЩԮֲ߰ЩʹˣԼЩF(xin)ڱ҂߀еćИ
ߣkingdogs2012-12-02 11:16
ߣDOOM20032012-12-02 11:17

ߣb2012-12-02 11:17
ߣhsxiaoz2012-12-02 11:17
ߣ430826672012-12-02 11:17
ߣG˵؈2012-12-02 11:18
ߣsnakefaith2012-12-02 11:19
ܶ඼в ʲô wס˰@N“(lin)]˼
ߣ挍֮2012-12-02 11:20
ߣlotoria2012-12-02 11:28
gmȻfuck good߀һc@ƪLJԴMõ@c_ԓ24000˔(sh)f12µ3ڶ챻ˡScandinavian ˹ļ{SӢJ˹ļ{SŲ͵Ϸmͱu@ׂWʲôˮƽӢۇȵ@ׂ׃ɚWԪ^(q)

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