【樓主】家住雷霆崖2012-12-20 10:35
» 1.OppositionDemocratic Progressive Party legislators cover the mouth of Nationalistlegislator Chao Li-yun during a parliament session inside the Legislative Yuan inTaipei, April21, 2010.2010年4月21日,臺灣,臺北。議會會議上,國民黨代趙麗云的嘴巴被臺灣民進黨議員捂住。2.Turkey's ruling AK Party lawmaker Muhittin Aksak(R) and main opposition Republican People's Party lawmaker Mahmut Tanal scuffleduring a debate at the parliament in Ankara,February 8, 2012.REUTERS/Stringer2012年2月8日,土耳其,安卡拉。土耳其執(zhí)政黨國會議員Muhittin Aksak(右)和土耳其主要反對黨共和人民黨議員Mahmut Tanal(左)在議會辯論期間拉扯在一起。3. Photo 3 / 15Parliamentsecurity guards fall during a scuffle with members of the main oppositionDemocratic Party at the National Assembly in Seoul, January 3, 2009.REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak2009年1月3日,韓國首爾。議會安保人員與主要反對黨民主黨在首爾國民大會期間扭打,跌倒在地。4.Photo 4 / 15ClaudioBarbato (L), a member of the opposition FLI party, fights with Fabio Ranieri(R) from the Northern League in Parliament in Rome, October 26, 2011. REUTERS/Ansa/Giuseppe Lami2011年10月26日,意大利,羅馬。反對黨成員Claudio Barbato(左)與來自“北方聯(lián)盟”的議員Fabio Ranieri(右)在羅馬舉行議會時發(fā)生摩擦。5.Photo 5 / 15OppositionDemocratic Progressive Party legislators scuffle with ruling Nationalist Partylegislators (top) at the Legislative Yuan In Taipei, July 8, 2010. REUTERS/Nicky Loh2010年7月8日,臺灣,臺北。在野黨民進黨議員海扁執(zhí)政黨國民黨議員(頂部)。6.Photo 6 / 15Members(R) of the opposition parties scuffle with parliament security guards at theNational Assembly in Seoul,January 3, 2009.REUTERS/JoYong-Hak2009年1月3日,韓國,首爾。議會安保人員與主要反對黨民主黨在首爾國民大會期間大打出手。7.Photo 7/ 15Communistdeputies scuffle with members of parliament loyal to President ViktorYushchenko before the president's annual "state of the nation"address to the chamber in Kiev, Ukraine,February 9, 2006. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich2006年2月9日,烏克蘭,基輔。烏克蘭GCD與忠心于時任總統(tǒng)維克多·尤先科(Viktor Yushchenko)的國會議員在總統(tǒng)發(fā)表年度“國情咨文”前在國會大廳酣戰(zhàn)。8.Photo 8 / 15Sri Lanka's Members ofParliament of main opposition United National Party and government members ofparliament clash as President Mahinda Rajapaksa presents the 2012 budget inParliament in Colombo,November 21, 2011.REUTERS/Stringer2011年11月21日,斯里蘭卡,科倫坡。由于對總統(tǒng)Mahinda Rajapaksa提出的2012年預算案意見不合,統(tǒng)一國民黨與政府議會成員發(fā)生沖突。9.Photo 9/ 15Taiwan legislators fight dueto a disagreement over a bill in parliament in Taipei, May 8, 2007. REUTERS/Stringer2007年5月8日,臺灣,臺北。由于立法委對議會某項法案意見不合,議會大廳上演“全武行”。10.Photo 10/ 15Lawmakersof South Korea's mainopposition parties (R) scuffle with lawmakers (C,L, 2nd - L, 3rd-L) from UriParty backing President Roh Moo-hyun at parliament in Seoul, March 12, 2004. REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won2004年3月12日,韓國,首爾。韓國主要反對黨(右)與支持時任總統(tǒng)盧武鉉的開放國民黨議員在國會拉扯不斷。11.Photo 11/ 15Congressionallawmakers from PAN (below) pull down a lawmaker of PRD (C) who is trying to getto the podium during an attempt to take over the congress just days before theinauguration of Felipe Calderon as Mexican president in Mexico City, November 28, 2006. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo2006年11月28日,墨西哥,墨西哥城。墨西哥國家行動黨議員(下)從臺上扯下試圖演講的民主革命黨成員。12.Photo 12/ 15Vicespeaker of the Ukrainian Vekhovnaya Rada, Adam Martynyuk (R), scuffles withdeputy Oleg Lyashko during a session in the chamber of the Ukrainian parliamentin Kiev, May18, 2011.REUTERS/Tatyana Bondarenko2011年5月18日,烏克蘭,基輔。烏克蘭副議長亞當·馬泰恩尤科(Adam Martynyuk,右)在一次議會會議中,將議員Oleg Lyashko掐倒在地。13.Photo 13/ 15Deputiesscuffle during a session in the chamber of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, April 27, 2010.REUTERS/Gleb Garanich2010年4月27日,烏克蘭,基輔。烏克蘭議會,議員們激烈戰(zhàn)斗。14.Photo 14/ 15Adeputy, Oleg Lyashko (L), douses vice-speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, AdamMartynyuk, with tea during an extraordinary session of the Ukrainian parliamentin Kiev, July30, 2012. REUTERS/Stringer2012年7月30日,烏克蘭,基輔。烏克蘭議會特別會議期間,Oleg Lyashko(左)將茶水潑向亞當·馬泰恩尤科(Adam Martynyuk)。15.Photo 15/ 15Deputiesscuffle during a session in the chamber of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev May 24, 2012. REUTERS/Stringer2012年5月24日,烏克蘭,基輔。烏克蘭議會大廳“慘不忍睹”。
作者:Lorentz2012-12-20 10:38
作者:關羽字二爺2012-12-20 10:39
作者:汽水泡飯2012-12-20 10:47