TheUSseems ready to dump its useless Japanese lackeys in favour of its much moreaffordable and numerous new Chinese friends, if polls of the American publicare anything to go by.
Accordingto a public opinion survey of American adults undertaken by the Council onForeign Relations and being gleefully reported by the Chinesepress, 70% think that “for American interests relations with China are more important than with Japan.”
Onlysome 28% thought that Americaought to do anything to impede China’srise, leading many in Chinato think their rise is so inevitable that even foolhardy Americans dare notoppose them.
Surprisingly,many Japanese seem sympathetic:
“Anunexpectedly sensible set of opinions from them there.”
“Don’tworry, we’ll put up with anything demanded of us!”
“Japanis going to get stuck looking after its old farts now, it’s nothing but adrop-out nation.”
“Andhow many of those involved with this were Chinese Americans?”
“Thisis why being the pets of the whites sucks, they have no sense of gratitude.”
“Don’tbash the yanks for this, it’s our fault for being so useless! To them we arelike those dirty Koreans are to us. They can’t even tell the differenceanyway.”
“BecauseChina is financing all theirdebt… unlike their loyal Japanese dogs, China has an ace up its sleeve.”
“Wehave a peaceful society yet over 30,000 of us kill ourselves every year, it’snot surprising nobody likes us.”
“TheDPJ government has basically torn up every diplomatic agreement they made withthe US,it’s not surprising they think we’re a basket case.”
“America needs China to buy its junk and Chineseslave factories to make its products. However, they’ll never accept China as acommunist dictatorship. The worst case is that they’ll try to force a morepliable government into place in China.”
“Americahas already declined anyway!”
Comment byAnonymous
07:1513/09/2012# ! Quality (+1.0)
Kindof odd since I'm American and every one I know hates China, and thinks of them asnothing but makers of cheap crap.
Commentby Anonymous
08:2213/09/2012# ! Good (+0.8)
U ever hear the term"china-mart? It's walmart's alias.
你沒聽說過“中國瑪”?他是沃爾瑪?shù)拿擞?br />
Comment byAnonymous
08:5513/09/2012# ! Neutral (0)
I'd like to know wherethe hell this survey was taken, cause I never saw it! I think a bunch ofChinese Americans that hate Japanjust put in fake figures to piss us all off more!
Comment byAnonymous
08:5213/09/2012# ! Neutral (0)
First off lets see thatreport I am sure that the people they polled were Chinese Americans .I for oneand many of my friends would pick Japan over china any day of the week
Comment byAnonymous
08:4313/09/2012# ! Neutral (0)
IT'S NOT ODD AT ALL whenyou do a survey at a CHINA TOWN in US.
I'm sure "70% of US will dump japan in favor of china"
Comment by vanchrian
09:0113/09/2012# ! Neutral (0)
To be honest, the surveysimply said that relations with Chinawere more important, but not exactly what kind of relations or why. Let's behonest. The whole world knows Chinais a threat. I bet the US isjust waiting for the chance to "facilitate communications" and"improve relations" by "spreading freedom" to China. Japan simply isn't worth invad-errr I meanliberating, so relations with Japanaren't as important.
Comment byAnonymous
08:5113/09/2012# ! Bad (-0.2)
So true who comes up withthese stupid surveys. Everyone I know and my self like Jap. and dislike Chinesebecause of their horrible mentality towards others.
Commentby Anonymous
07:1713/09/2012# ! Quality (+1.0)
I wouldn't have thoughtthat the average American could find Chinaor Japanon a map, let alone tell the difference between the two. I call shenanigans onthis poll!
Commentby Anonymous
08:3613/09/2012# ! Good (+0.6)
China? Are we talking aboutthe same Chinawith the shitty products, exploding whatevers, smoggy cities, xenophobic wackosthat put some japanese to shame and the inept police force? Sorry I'll keep mylot in with japan at least they make video games and I don't have to worryabout the government bitchin about how they will destroy the world you knowwith the suicide rates and all of the shut-ins.
Comment byAnonymous
08:3113/09/2012# ! Neutral (+0.4)
The Council on ForeignRelations is obviously skewing this to start the placation of the Chinesegovernment. They are going to be mad when they find out we have no intention ofpaying them back for our debts. We have basically told China; "So long and thanks forall the stuff."
Comment byAnonymous
08:4213/09/2012# ! Neutral (+0.2)
they don't want thosedebts paid back. Paying debts on the national level causes monetarycontraction, which slows down the economy worldwide, and therefore will hurtchina's exports.
人家只是翻譯 怎么就無節(jié)操了標(biāo)題黨,下面不是有很多人在表示中國是xx他們更喜歡日本這文章看著略蛋疼…… Post by 家住雷霆崖 (2012-09-13 11:22)
人家只是翻譯 怎么就無節(jié)操了
求把鏈接有節(jié)操的翻譯來看看China? Are we talking aboutthe same Chinawith the shitty products, exploding whatevers, smoggy cities, xenophobic wackosthat put some japanese to shame and the inept police force? Sorry I'll keep mylot in with japan at least they make video games and I don't have to worryabout the government bitchin about how they will destroy the world you knowwith the suicide rates and all of the shut-ins.
90%美國人估計(jì)一輩子都沒去過這倆國家 頂多是在買東西看到產(chǎn)地能有個(gè)地名什么的就不錯(cuò)了!
跟他們說這個(gè) 還不如說說在紐約的巴西狂歡節(jié)什么的更實(shí)際點(diǎn)I wouldn't have thoughtthat the average American could find Chinaor Japanon a map, let alone tell the difference between the two. I call shenanigans onthis poll!
下面的回復(fù)是針對這個(gè)調(diào)查的 而這個(gè)調(diào)查就是70%的美國人挺中國2ch:美國官方放棄中國挺日本 爸爸說日美安保包括釣魚島美國人喜歡中國還是日本?